Here Are Some Best Blogging Ideas To Make Money That Works


Blogging for a living isn’t as difficult as it once was. You don’t need to be famous or even have a lot of traffic to succeed (although how much money you make from your blog will depend on both of these factors to some extent). You can make money blogging if you can create useful or engaging content. Use one or more of these seven ideas to start producing money from your blog. blogging ideas to make money

Here Are Some Best Blogging Ideas To Make Money That Works


Using advertising programs as a first step.

There are more advertising program possibilities than ever before for blogging for money. Here are four ways to monetize your blog by placing advertisements on your pages:


There are solutions for RSS advertising, such as Pheedo, that can be used in addition to posting adverts on your blog pages.

2. Making use of affiliate marketing programs.

A company promises to pay you a commission if you help them sell their items through affiliate marketing. Visitors will see the company’s advertisement on your web pages, and you will get compensated if they click through to the company’s website and perform a certain action. The specific action required of the visitor varies; some affiliate programs charge per click (PPC), while others charge per lead or even per transaction. These are four of the largest (and longest-running) affiliate programs on the Internet that you may utilize to make money blogging:

3. Obtain corporate sponsorship.

As more businesses discover the popularity of blogging and the potential marketing reach of bloggers, blog sponsorship is becoming increasingly common. Company sponsorship partnerships tend to range from apparent “advertising” blogs focused solely on a company’s product(s) to simply adding a company’s name, logo, and brand to an existing blog (“sponsored by…”).

The primary issue with making money this method is that you must already be well-known (and have sufficient traffic) in order to acquire sponsorship.

4. Obtain employment with a corporation.

Many businesses would like to have blogs, but they don’t have anyone on staff who has the time or expertise to set one up and maintain it. You may be the solution while also making money from your blog.

The key to securing such a gig is locating businesses that want/need your services and convincing them that you’re the blogger they’re looking for; unless you already have a large profile and a track record, you’ll probably need to do some research and cold calling.

5. Earn money by blogging as a freelancer.

Networks of blogs appear to be popping up all over the internet, with some of them searching for people to write blogs for a fee. Payment options vary, but the most prevalent seems to be a fixed monthly payment in exchange for a certain amount of blog entries.

One website that specialized in presenting blogging for money opportunities is

Before you start looking at job postings, read our article about 10 Things to Know About Content Sites.

6. Create a blog to promote a certain product or service.

Blogs are quickly gaining popularity as a stylish alternative to the traditional salesletter website. The only actual difference in this scenario is the format; the message remains the same. The pitch is usually woven into as many blog entries as possible, or even used as a tagline for each blog entry.

A nice example of a blog geared to move a product is Jim Kukral’s 99 Ways to Blog for Business blog (in this case, his strategy guide for creating blogs for businesses).

7. Using your blog to sell intellectual property such as ebooks, telecourses, or consulting services.

This concept is similar to the previous one for producing money from your blog. The distinction is that the intellectual property you’re selling is merely a byproduct of or incidental to the blog you’re writing; it isn’t the blog’s raison d’être. You might, for example, have a beekeeping blog and offer a booklet on how to build a mason bee house on your website.

Blogging for Profit: The Insider’s Guide
There is one secret to success, regardless of which blogging for money model you choose, or even if you choose a combination of ways to make money from your blog: you must be able to write well and engage your readers. That’s how you grow an audience, and the larger your audience, the more likely you are to make substantial money blogging.

Why not just use social media to blog?

Social media posts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter are like news bites: they disappear in an instant, whereas a blog article has a considerably longer shelf life and can be seen for months.

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