Extra Ordinary Ways On How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out


As the weather gets a little chillier, you may find your skin getting drier, flakier and more prone to itchiness. While slathering on toners, serums and moisturisers are key to bolstering skin health, hydrating and moisturising your skin from the inside-out is key too. The skin needs nutrients to help heal and repair itself, and these work on a cellular level to keep your skin smooth and supple. how to hydrate your skin from the inside out.

Extra Ordinary Ways On How To Hydrate Your Skin From The Inside Out


Your skin’s natural moisturizing factor (NMF) serves as a barrier to protect it and keep the moisture within. A balanced diet can help to restore this barrier and keep the skin’s internal moisture levels up. ” The largest organ in your body, your skin, serves as your first line of defense against any infection. It is essential to maintain its integrity as a result. The skin is made of collagen, and the lipid layer retains moisture. Dr. Vishakha Shivdasani, a doctor and nutritionist in Mumbai, claims that eating foods high in vitamins, proteins, and healthy fats helps to maintain this barrier and hydrates the skin from the inside. Dermatologist Dr. Madhuri Agarwal, founder of Yavana Aesthetics Clinic, says that restoring your moisture barrier initially is crucial if it is insufficient “Mousses can be beneficial.

1. Drink water!

Since about 60 per cent your body is made of water,  it plays a major role in your body’s functions, including transporting nutrients to your cells and whisking away toxins. It also keeps skin cells plump, which is important to prevent dry and dehydrated skin. Include fruits and vegetables high in water content such as watermelon, musk melon, cantaloupe, spinach (also Vitamin A), lettuce and celery, says Dr Shivdasani.

2. Up your Vitamin D consumption

The skin becomes dry if you don’t get enough Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, according to Dr. Shivdasani. If your skin is dry or itchy, it may be because you don’t have enough of this vitamin because it activates the receptors that encourage the creation of the skin barrier. She affirms that since food items don’t contain much vitamin D, pills are acceptable. Dr. Shivdasani claims that taking a tiny amount every day is significantly more effective than taking a larger dose only once a week.

3. Eat collagen-rich foods

“When you don’t get enough fats or protein through your diet, your skin can dry up. And you need collagen to plump your skin,” says Dr Shivdasani. While the jury is still out on supplements, doctors like drinking bone broth, which is naturally high in collagen, protein and good fat. “It’s the best lubricating moisturiser from within,” she says. Eggs, citrus fruits and garlic boost collagen synthesis in the body too.

4. Add foods rich in Omega-3 to your diet

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in salmon and other fatty fish, will help to increase the moisture in your skin. It also helps you manage the oil production on your skin. “Those who don’t eat a lot of fish enjoy taking fish oil supplements, but you shouldn’t take too much because it could be harmful. Dr. Shivdasani suggests skipping your supplement on the day you eat fish. Flaxseeds are an alternative option. When your skin’s barrier function is functioning properly, it acts as a seal to keep irritants out and moisture in. Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital part of your skin’s lipid composition and help to improve this barrier function.

5. Look for good fats and protein

The NMF benefits from the consumption of healthy fats because it is a lipid layer. Natural beneficial fats are found in nuts and seeds such flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and almonds. A good source is the avocado, according to Dr. Agarwal. To preserve the lipid layer on the skin and stop the breakdown of fat, Dr. Shivdasani advises consuming primrose oil and olive oil as healthy fats. In order to maintain the structure of your skin, it is also important to consume protein in the form of cottage cheese, tofu, and eggs.

6. Look out for Vitamin A-rich foods

Carrots, sweet potatoes and other Vitamin A-rich foods can help maintain skin elasticity. They attack free radicals thanks to their Vitamin C content, and stimulate fibroblast production, which are the cells that are responsible for developing tissue that keeps skin firm and healthy, says Dr Aggarwal




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