
Step By Step Guide For Baking Soda For Skin Irritation


Itchy skin, whether caused by insect bites or allergies, is a real pain. Irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors. Skin irritation can go away on its own in some circumstances, but in others, a little extra aid is required. Learning new home remedies might assist you in managing mild skin irritation […]


Incredible Methods On How To Get Rid of Blackheads In Ears


Small clusters of black spots obstructing your pores are known as blackheads. The dark stuff that makes up a blackhead is a mixture of dirt, oil, and worn-out skin cells, not dirt. They rust and darken in color as a result of exposure to air. How To Get Rid of Blackheads In Ears At some […]


7 Foods You Can Eat and Not Gain Weight

It sounds impossible, but there are actually certain foods that can satisfy hunger cravings without packing on the pounds. The key is to indulge in a meal that has a high satiety value, which describes how filling the food is compared to its calorie content. This so-called “satiety index” measures the ability of various foods […]


15 Healthy Habits That Make Weight Loss Super Simple

Weight loss isn’t always easy, but with some clever planning, it can get simple. I make my weight loss transformation go smoothly by deciding what healthy habits I want to establish and then creating a self-care routine I can actually stick to. Many of us struggle with self-discipline and consistency in our weight loss routines. […]


Best Skin Care Routine For Acne Prone Sensitive Skin That Will Blow Your Mind

Best Skin Care Routine For Acne Prone Sensitive Skin

Acne affects people of all ages, not just teenagers. You can wake up with a giant red zit on your nose or a smattering of whiteheads across your cheeks even if it’s been decades since you walked the hallways of your high school. In truth, the fight against blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, and cystic acne continues […]

NoIntro Popular

Celebrities From Hollywood’s Golden Age: How Are They Doing Now?

Time is a concept that seems simple but can be quite challenging to grasp when given thought. For some, time seems to pass very fast and doesn’t seem like it would be a taking a break anytime soon. While for others, time moves very slow and can take forever to progress. Regardless of who you […]

Featured NoIntro

Ex-Police Dog Wouldn’t Stop Barking On A Tree So Dad Cuts It Down, They Found Something Hiding In It

A Scene To Behold As he put his nose on the ground, he squeezed his ears. This was something that his dog had never seen Smith do before, not like this anyway. They must have stumbled into something enormous! He was as still as a statue, his big paws pressing into the soft soil. What […]


Dermatologist Skincare Routine For Dry Acne Prone Skin That Actually Works


We consider ourselves to be skincare aficionados—hard it’s not to when our desks look like they belong on an episode of Hoarders: Skincare Edition (currently in the process of pitching that idea to A&E). We are well aware, however, that our situation is unique, and that the normal woman is more concerned with what to […]

Lifehacks NoIntro

Save Your Money And Just Use Baking Soda For These Common Household Problems

There is something in your kitchen cupboard that is probably more useful than you thought it would be. In reality, not a lot of people know just how handy baking soda is! Most of us have it in the cupboard for baking purposes. Also called bicarbonate of soda, you can use it for so much […]

NoIntro Popular

10 Rare Cat Breeds

1. Serengeti The Serengeti cats ware first developed by crossing a Bengal and an Oriental Shorthair. Serengetis are spotted cats, with long legs and very large, round tipped ears. They have a long neck that blends with the base of the skull without tapering. Even though those cats are breeds from to different species they […]